magyar nyelven
Szilvia Seres MSZ 04.211/1-80 Animations from footage found among the ruins of the liquidated Ózd Factory, 2003 Animator: Kasza Levente
Special thanks to: András Janó, Péter Lix and Róbert Bereznyei

Between 2002 and 2003, on the property of the former Ózd Metallurgical Works, I found discarded a great quantity of slides - several thousand pieces, from between 1977 and 1983 - on the topic of protection in the workplace, and some 40 hours' worth of 1/40-inch (Polimer and ORWO-manufactured, Longplay) audio-tape.

Alongside the presentations of protective working regulations, in the pictures appear Budapest locations: places converted or gone without a trace, everyday scenes. Placing them side-by-side, or simply observing the details of the images and their recurrent motifs, one is overcome by the strange atmosphere. These specific portraits of an era might constitute the basis of sociological and cultural anthropological investigations, beyond the research from a (cultural) historical point of view. The stories generated through their juxtaposition present newer and newer contours of a bygone reality, along with their visual motifs and analogies. To what extent can this epoch be recalled with the aid of the animations compiled from the slides, and in what manner does it change by the fact that it has entered the exhibition space?
Center for Culture & Communication
C3 Kulturális és Kommunkációs Központ Alapítvány
1014 Budapest, Országház utca 9. — H-1537 Budapest, Pf. 419
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